вторник, 26 апреля 2011 г.

COPD Experts Meet To Discuss Immediate Steps To Improve Patient Care

Today, over 100 of England's top primary care respiratory healthcare specialists are meeting to discuss the way forward in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) management, a condition that kills more people every year in the UK than bowel, breast and prostate cancer.[1],[2] Discussions about the immediate changes needed to improve patient care are in light of the recently published updated National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) COPD guideline and anticipated National Strategy for COPD, expected to be made available later this year.

"When published, the National Strategy for COPD will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the current gaps in COPD service delivery and standards in patient care," stated Dr. Iain Small, Executive Chair of the Primary Care Respiratory Society UK (PCRS-UK). "At this time of change and uncertainty, PCRS-UK is dedicated to driving optimal care for all by improving COPD management. Engaging primary care health professionals in the implementation of the National Strategy will be critical to its success, and we welcome this exciting opportunity to help improve the lives of patients with chronic respiratory disease."

The London-held meeting, entitled Leading Change in COPD Care, led by PCRS-UK, provides the foundation for a new educational programme funded by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and developed in partnership with PCRS-UK called Paper to Patient.
Developed to complement education provided by the NHS, Paper to Patient aims to bring to life the updated NICE COPD guideline and anticipated National Strategy for COPD by providing practical tools to healthcare professionals, enabling them to make an immediate impact on patient quality of life.

"Managing COPD has become an important health priority in England in line with the forthcoming National Strategy for COPD" said Dr. Kevin Gruffydd-Jones, General Practitioner in Box, Wiltshire and Member of the NICE COPD Guideline Development Group." The newly updated NICE COPD guideline provides a timely and comprehensive guide in helping health professionals manage this distressing condition."

Meetings will be run throughout England between September and December this year offering all healthcare professionals a chance to share best practice management techniques and access free materials to help improve the care of patients with COPD.


What is COPD?

COPD is an umbrella term used to describe a number of conditions including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD leads to damaged airways in the lungs, which causes them to become narrower making it harder for air to get in and out of the lungs.[3] It is estimated that COPD affects up to three million people in the U.K. alone,[4] with only around 900,000 being correctly diagnosed.[5]

What is Paper to Patient?

Paper to Patient is an educational programme funded by GSK and developed in partnership with PCRS-UK, which translates the anticipated National Strategy for COPD and updated NICE COPD guideline into a package of meetings and training for healthcare professionals. The content is concise and relevant, with simple, practical resources to help healthcare professionals implement this guidance and to provide support in making changes within their practices to improve the care and services for people living with COPD.

Regional meetings will be held:

- 15th September 2010, Newcastle

- 28th September 2010, Manchester

- 30th September 2010, Birmingham

- 7th October 2010, London

To find out more about Paper to Patient and for meeting registration, go here.

[1] Office of National Statistics; Health Statistics Quarterly No.43. (2009)

[2] Cancer Research UK; Trends in Cancer Morality - UK Statistics . (2010). Accessed May 2010.

[3] British Lung Foundation; COPD. Accessed May 2010.

[4] Stang P, Lydick E, Silberman C et al; The Prevalence of COPD: Using smoking rates to estimate disease frequency in the general population. Chest (2000). Accessed May 2010. See here.

[5] British Lung Foundation; Lung Report III. (2003)

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